Friday 28 February 2014

Media Arts - February 28th (Hockney Tutorial)

Original Photo

Photoshopped Photo (David Hockney Inspired)

Media Arts - February 28th (Rhythm)


Arboreal Engines, Ernesto Caivano 2006, Ink and watercolour on paper

In this work, rhythm is shown by the horizontal lines of the tree. These lines lead your eyes to the silhouette background of what seems to be a building. The colours are simple so I saw the tree branches first, which then lead me to the other part of the painting.

The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh 1889, Oil on canvas
In this very famous work, rhythm is mostly shown in curved, spiral-like lines, mostly in the sky. The first thing I see in this piece is the spirals in the sky, which leads my eyes to the moon and stars, the I look and the little houses and what looks to be like a forest area. These curved lines are very dominant in this work, as they are shown to be virtually everywhere.

Untitled (Drawing for Inversion), Roxy Paine 2007, Ink on paper
This work is very simple and has a simple monochromatic colour theme, which draws my eyes directly to the tree branches. The branch near the middle of the picture which is darker than the rest leads my eyes down to all the other smaller branches in the bottom, which then I see the person standing in the bottom right corner.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Media Arts - February 27th (Balance)


Untitled, Bernd Ribbeck 2007, Ink on paper
This work is symmetrically balanced (if you put a line in the middle the work looks mostly the same on each side). This work has a bit of controlled rhythm as the lines are basically identical, although there are different colours and a few red lines which are not symmetrical, although still balanced.

Clappers-Trustworthy Off Horizons #133, Haegue Yang 2012, Security pattern envelope papers on six pieces of board

This work's balance is perfectly symmetrical. If you put a line through the middle, the sides would be identical, just mirrored. The rhythm is very controlled as it is completely symmetrically balanced.

[Composition-40-2011], Shirana Shahbazi 2011, Chromogenic colour print

In this work, there is asymmetrical balance. There is a big red dot which is located mostly on the right side and in the middle, a smaller yet still big yellow dot located a little left from the middle and on the bottom, and a small white dot completely to the left and on top. This creates balance because if you put a line through the middle of the work, it seems as though there would be the same area of dots on one side as to the other.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Media Arts - February 26th (Variety)

Fox in the Mirror: Concert, Liliana Porter 2007, Video (colour, sound)

 Variety is present in this work. The focus is solely on the fox, which emphasizes it and brings our attention directly to it. There are different little figures of various animals. which shows variety.
Untitled, Josh Smith 2008, Mixed media on panel

In this work, variety is shown mostly through lines and colour. The black and white contrast and the bright green background makes it pop even more. The lines show variety because there are curvy lines, straight lines, and dots and shapes.
Robin and Phoebe, Jonas Wood 2008, Gouache and coloured pencil on paper
This work is varied, mostly in colours and shapes. The main colours in this work are red and green, which are complimentary colours. This clear contrast in colour shows variety. There are different shapes, which are different colours and sizes, in the background, which also creates variety.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Media Arts - February 25th (Unity)


Modernity, Mirrored and Reflected Infinitely, Josiah McElheny 2003, Mirrored blown glass, aluminum metal display, lighting, two-way mirror, glass, and mirror
This work has many signs of unity present in it such as the proximity (my eye grouped each row of bottles together as they are very close), repetition (the bottles are repeated throughout the rows, as well as the colours being repetitive as they are mainly shades of the same colour), and alignment (the rows and columns of bottles are very neatly aligned).
Chorus Line, Frances Stark 2008, Cut-and-pasted printed paper and cut-and-pasted coloured paper on paper

In this work, there is unity. There is visible repetition, such as the circular pattern on the women and the women themselves. There is also proximity in the circular patterns (I assume that all the circles on the woman are together), and the women as well (I see the women in a line as a group). There is alignment as well: the women are following a diagonal line.
Setting Sun. Sardine Fishing. Adagio. Opus 221 from the series The Sea, The Boats, Concarneau, Paul Signac 1891, Oil on canvas

Unity is present in this work of art with alignment: the horizon is a straight line and it is clear where the horizon is, and the boats are aligned as well. The boats show repetition as there are plenty of them, all very similar, in the work. The colours in this piece work very well together, which makes it more unified.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Media Arts - February 19th, 20th (Fixing Photos)







Tuesday 18 February 2014

Media Arts - February 18th (Annie Leibovitz)

This is a photo of Angelina Jolie taken by Annie Leibovitz for the Vanity Fair in June, 2005. I enjoy this photo of Angelina Jolie because I believe that it brings out her playful side as it seems as though she is laughing. The pose that she is in tells me that she is not afraid to be herself and to let go every once in a while, and especially not afraid to show some skin, showing confidence in herself and her body. I like the colour because it's not too bright and it's not too dull. The light pink of the floor makes the dress and Jolie pop out, as well as the dress being a very similar colour to the walls go very well and is aesthetically pleasing. The angle of the photo is a little from above, which I believe is a very nice angle. Overall, I really enjoy this photo, especially because of the simple colouring.

Friday 7 February 2014

Media Arts - February 5th, 6th, 7th (Character)

This is my character, his name is Joey. At birth, his parents died and he was separated from his evil twin brother, Chad. Chad looks exactly the same as Joey but his colours are inverted. When their parents died, Chad was filled with anger and despair and therefore devoted his life to evil. Joey, on the other hand, was sympathetic and understanding that it was their time to leave. Joey saw that his twin brother had devoted himself to evil and so Joey decided that he would devote his life to make Chad good.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Media Arts - February 4th (Photo and Video)

Photo that I took of my cat, Puff :)

Weezer - We Are All On Drugs

This video interests me because I really enjoy the music and the video goes very well with it. It has the perfect synchronization of the random people saying "on drugs" while the singer is singing the lyrics "on drugs".

Monday 3 February 2014

Media Arts - February 3rd (First Day)

Link to Mr. Brouwer's Site

In media arts, I am most interested in perfecting my skills in Photoshop. I am looking forward to all the activities that we will be doing.

Grey Daisy by Brian Hugh Warner (Marilyn Manson)
Grey Daisy, Brian Hugh Warner (Marilyn Manson)
Marilyn Manson: "Someone said, 'Why don't you ever paint something nice, like a flower?' So I painted one, but I ended up using only the dirty water from another painting. If I wasn't me, I would probably want this one."

I like this painting  because it's ironic how he was asked to paint something pretty like a flower, yet ended up just using dirty water from another painting to paint this.