Thursday 27 February 2014

Media Arts - February 27th (Balance)


Untitled, Bernd Ribbeck 2007, Ink on paper
This work is symmetrically balanced (if you put a line in the middle the work looks mostly the same on each side). This work has a bit of controlled rhythm as the lines are basically identical, although there are different colours and a few red lines which are not symmetrical, although still balanced.

Clappers-Trustworthy Off Horizons #133, Haegue Yang 2012, Security pattern envelope papers on six pieces of board

This work's balance is perfectly symmetrical. If you put a line through the middle, the sides would be identical, just mirrored. The rhythm is very controlled as it is completely symmetrically balanced.

[Composition-40-2011], Shirana Shahbazi 2011, Chromogenic colour print

In this work, there is asymmetrical balance. There is a big red dot which is located mostly on the right side and in the middle, a smaller yet still big yellow dot located a little left from the middle and on the bottom, and a small white dot completely to the left and on top. This creates balance because if you put a line through the middle of the work, it seems as though there would be the same area of dots on one side as to the other.

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