Tuesday 18 February 2014

Media Arts - February 18th (Annie Leibovitz)

This is a photo of Angelina Jolie taken by Annie Leibovitz for the Vanity Fair in June, 2005. I enjoy this photo of Angelina Jolie because I believe that it brings out her playful side as it seems as though she is laughing. The pose that she is in tells me that she is not afraid to be herself and to let go every once in a while, and especially not afraid to show some skin, showing confidence in herself and her body. I like the colour because it's not too bright and it's not too dull. The light pink of the floor makes the dress and Jolie pop out, as well as the dress being a very similar colour to the walls go very well and is aesthetically pleasing. The angle of the photo is a little from above, which I believe is a very nice angle. Overall, I really enjoy this photo, especially because of the simple colouring.

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