Wednesday 26 February 2014

Media Arts - February 26th (Variety)

Fox in the Mirror: Concert, Liliana Porter 2007, Video (colour, sound)

 Variety is present in this work. The focus is solely on the fox, which emphasizes it and brings our attention directly to it. There are different little figures of various animals. which shows variety.
Untitled, Josh Smith 2008, Mixed media on panel

In this work, variety is shown mostly through lines and colour. The black and white contrast and the bright green background makes it pop even more. The lines show variety because there are curvy lines, straight lines, and dots and shapes.
Robin and Phoebe, Jonas Wood 2008, Gouache and coloured pencil on paper
This work is varied, mostly in colours and shapes. The main colours in this work are red and green, which are complimentary colours. This clear contrast in colour shows variety. There are different shapes, which are different colours and sizes, in the background, which also creates variety.

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