Tuesday 25 February 2014

Media Arts - February 25th (Unity)


Modernity, Mirrored and Reflected Infinitely, Josiah McElheny 2003, Mirrored blown glass, aluminum metal display, lighting, two-way mirror, glass, and mirror
This work has many signs of unity present in it such as the proximity (my eye grouped each row of bottles together as they are very close), repetition (the bottles are repeated throughout the rows, as well as the colours being repetitive as they are mainly shades of the same colour), and alignment (the rows and columns of bottles are very neatly aligned).

Chorus Line, Frances Stark 2008, Cut-and-pasted printed paper and cut-and-pasted coloured paper on paper

In this work, there is unity. There is visible repetition, such as the circular pattern on the women and the women themselves. There is also proximity in the circular patterns (I assume that all the circles on the woman are together), and the women as well (I see the women in a line as a group). There is alignment as well: the women are following a diagonal line.

Setting Sun. Sardine Fishing. Adagio. Opus 221 from the series The Sea, The Boats, Concarneau, Paul Signac 1891, Oil on canvas

Unity is present in this work of art with alignment: the horizon is a straight line and it is clear where the horizon is, and the boats are aligned as well. The boats show repetition as there are plenty of them, all very similar, in the work. The colours in this piece work very well together, which makes it more unified.

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